“Para-Cles” is a parody written by Melanie Walker based on Shakespeare’s lesser-known play to be presented at Rackliffe House on September 14th (and Players in October)

Directed by - Sharon Benchoff

Do you like stories with pirates, princesses, villains and warriors? Then audition to become part of the cast of “Para-Cles”. Each actor will play multiple parts with no lines to memorize. Para-Cles is a physical play with lots of whacky comedy moments. Roles for teens to seniors Auditions: Sunday, August 11th and Monday, August 12th at 6:00 at Players If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

Community Players is committed to celebrating an inclusive culture of creativity by welcoming actors, technicians, designers, musicians and production team members from varied backgrounds, race, gender identity, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

Sharon Benchoff - Director